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Helicopter to Deliver Essential Supplies to Stranded School Kids at Cango Mountain Resort

Published September 27, 2023
10 months ago

South Africa's Oudtshoorn Municipality has announced emergency operations to help 72 school children and ten accompanying adults stranded due to unseasonably heavy rain at the Cango Mountain Resort. The party is from Aliwal North Primary School in Maletswai, formerly known as Aliwal North. The unforeseen turn of events has been brought by the swelling of Le Roux River, which flows through the resort, rendering all possible exit routes impassable.

As a proactive measure in response to this urgent situation, a helicopter will be dispatched to deliver much-needed food and water supplies to the stranded group. The Oudtshoorn Municipality has ensured that, given favorable weather conditions, the group should be able to safely cross the overflowed river by tomorrow.

Presently, no casualties have been reported, and all individuals, children and adults alike, are said to be in good health, although temporarily unable to vacate the resort. The Oudtshoorn Municipality's Disaster Management has arranged for the Air Mercy Helicopter to remain on standby poised to deliver essential supplies until the flooded roads become traversable again.

"We extend our sincere thanks to everyone involved in the emergency operations, particularly to the helicopter crew, for their swift and coordinated efforts in challenging circumstances," reiterated the Oudtshoorn Municipality.

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