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Doctor Loses Fight Against Probe Into Suspicious Lottery Deal

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

A Pretoria-based doctor accused of involvement in a questionable deal set up by the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) has suffered a legal setback. In a recent Pretoria High Court hearing, the doctor's request for an interdict aimed at halting further investigation into his involvement by the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) was denied. The scrutinised transaction revolves around an alleged R7-million payment made to Dr. John Marite’s company, Right Play Health Services, from a R20-million NLC grant awarded to non-profit organization, Zibsimonde.

Dr. Marite's unsuccessful bid to halt the investigations was triggered by his claims of experiencing harassment and intimidation from the SIU. The doctor who also sought an order preventing information about his interactions with the unit from being shared further, was accused of acting in concert with former NLC chief executive, Phillemon Letwaba, who resigned amidst corruption allegations in 2022.

In response to the allegations, the presiding judge stated that the SIU was justified in querying the nature of Dr. Marite's connection to the transaction. He also pointed out that the supporting documents presented by Dr. Marite as proof of relevant services rendered, failed to provide conclusive information regarding when and how these services were provided.

Dr. Marite maintains that he was unknowingly caught up in the scandal and was introduced to Zibsimonde and its director, Ms Lulalo, by Malwanda Solly Siweya who required a referral for someone to provide circumcision medical services. The SIU refuted accusations of harassment and warned that impeding their investigation could detrimentally disrupt and damage the work of the unit. The court agreed with the SIU’s stance, emphasizing the unit’s legal mandate in probing the case and dismissed Dr. Marite's application with costs.

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