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In a significant demonstration of continental solidarity, member countries of the African Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone Treaty, widely recognized as the Pelindaba Treaty, have reiterated their dedication to the treaty’s principles and objectives. The strengthening resolve arose during the 6th Conference of States Parties (CSP) hosted in Addis Ababa at the African Union's prominent headquarters.
The Pelindaba Treaty serves as a cornerstone of Africa’s commitment to nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, creating a zone free from nuclear armaments across the continent. This conference has been especially pivotal as it has sought to address various operational hurdles that have plagued the framework's implementing body, the African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE).
Member states delved into concerns regarding recent episodes that have imperiled AFCONE’s Secretariat operations. They agreed on developing measures to circumvent such impediments in the future and enhance cooperative efforts to reinforce the Treaty’s mechanism.
A prominent issue discussed was the decision on the diplomatic furore surrounding the dismissal of AFCONE’s former Executive Secretary, Enobot Agboraw. The Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), with resolute action on July 30, 2024, removed Agboraw from his post. It was mutually decided at the conference that the process of appointing a new Executive Secretary should commence with alacrity.
South Africa, the host nation for AFCONE’s headquarters, found itself at the center of the issue, tasked with implementing the AUC Chair’s decision — a challenge it has undertaken with vigilance. Nevertheless, the States Parties asserted that no disputes exist between South Africa and AFCONE and commended South Africa for its steadfast support.
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) of South Africa has expressed confidence that the outcomes of the 6th CSP will serve to quash ongoing speculations and baseless media accusations against its officials. The High Court of South Africa's dismissal on September 18, 2024, of Agboraw's urgent application contesting the retraction of his diplomatic immunities post-employment termination was highlighted to emphasize the point.
South Africa remains fervently committed to the goals of the peaceful application of nuclear energy as set out in the Pelindaba Treaty. The nation, alongside other States Parties, is dedicated to navigating AFCONE through its present tribulations, reinforcing its Secretariat’s function, and upholding the continent’s reputation in nuclear non-proliferation efforts.
With the renewed assurance made in Addis Ababa, Africa’s dedication to a nuclear-weapons-free ethos continues to be a beacon of collective security resolution and diplomatic collaboration.