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In an impassioned appeal to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA), the Executive Mayor of George Municipality, Jackie von Brandis, has expressed vehement opposition to the proposed 44% increase in electricity tariffs by Eskom for the 2024/25 financial year. This call to action highlights the dire situation in which the approval of such an increase would place residents and businesses within the region.
The Executive Mayor's letter not only challenges the affordability of such a steep hike in the cost of electricity but also questions the fairness of expecting the citizens of George, and indeed, all South Africans, to shoulder the financial burden arising from what is seen as mismanagement within Eskom. He advocates for any prospective increases in electricity tariffs to align with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate target of 5.5%, arguing that a 44% increase goes far beyond what residents and businesses can sustainably manage.
Eskom's financial challenges and the resulting operational instability have long been a cause for concern among South African citizens and businesses, who endure regular supply disruptions and face the brunt of price increases. This proposed hike is portrayed as exacerbating the struggle, with a potential ripple effect leading to the closure of businesses, job loss, and a surge in the prices of essential commodities such as food due to elevated energy costs.
Mayor von Brandis also points out the lack of preferential treatment for diligent customers who regularly pay their electricity bills. The letter underscores a plea for equity and fairness, implying that good customer behavior should be acknowledged and perhaps rewarded, especially in terms of tariff adjustments and consistent electricity supply.
The urgency conveyed in the Mayor's correspondence to NERSA reflects a deep concern for the welfare of George residents and resonates with the broader South African populace who might face the hardships of such tariff escalations. The mayor's call for intervention by the energy regulator is not just a reaction to an impending local fiscal crisis but a stand against what is deemed as a nationwide inequality in the wake of spiraling utility costs.
George Municipality's stance positions it as a vanguard for consumer rights, showcasing a local government's resistance to national policy decisions perceived as inconsiderate to the economic realities faced by its people. The Executive Mayor's letter serves as a formal request for reversal of the granted increase, seeking earnest consideration from NERSA to re-evaluate and revise Eskom’s tariff application in the interest of fairness and sustainability for all South Africans.