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High Stakes and Hitmen: The William Booth Attempted Assassination Case Unfurls

Published March 27, 2024
4 months ago

The Western Cape High Court has been captivated by the unfolding trial of alleged underworld kingpin Nafiz Modack, as chilling testimonies bring to light the gritty details of a plot to assassinate prominent attorney William Booth. Testifying before the court, a State witness identified only as "Mr A," a convicted gang member of the Terrible West Siders, implicated Modack in the audacious hit which came with a staggering price tag of R3 million.

According to Mr A, the hit was reprisal for the murder of Cape Town attorney Pete Mihalik - who was shot dead in a gangland-style execution while dropping his daughter at school. Mihalik had been representing Modack prior to his untimely death, and Modack purportedly blamed another gang leader, Jerome "Donkie" Booysen, for the incident. In an alleged act of vengeance, Modack is said to have ordered the murder of Booth, who happened to be Booysen's lawyer.

The witness, currently serving a 25-year sentence for an unrelated murder, recounted his own involvement in the failed attempts on Booth's life, revealing the machinations of underworld figures and hired hitmen navigating through Cape Town's shadowy criminal landscape. Mr A's testimony links Modack and his co-accused to a nexus of crimes ranging from murder to corruption, highlighting the entanglement of organized crime within South African society.

Modack and his alleged associates face an overwhelming number of charges totaling 124, demonstrating the comprehensive nature of their supposed criminal enterprise. This trial showcases the relentless efforts of the judicial system in holding influential underworld figures accountable, while also exposing the immense challenges in dismantling entrenched criminal networks.

Booth's survival of the multiple hits directed at him underscores both good fortune and the effectiveness of law enforcement's omnipresence, potentially acting as his unwitting guardian angels. As the trial proceeds, the meticulous details of near-misses and shadowy conspiracies continue to astonish court attendees and the South African public alike.

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