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Brutal Attack Near Witbank: Man's Hands Severed in Horrific Ordeal

Published March 25, 2024
4 months ago

In a gruesomely violent incident that has shaken the community near Witbank, Mpumalanga, a 30-year-old man has suffered an unimaginable fate at the hands of six assailants. According to police spokesperson Colonel Donald Mdhluli, the victim's hands were brutally amputated in an attack that he narrowly survived. The shocking crime took place last week and has prompted intense police activity in the region.

The harrowing ordeal began when the victim was ambushed while walking along a road in the vicinity of Witbank. Colonel Mdhluli recounted how the suspects, driving a green Opel Corsa Bakkie, cornered their target. Under the threat of a firearm, the man was forcibly taken hostage, bound at the hands and feet, and then driven to a secluded bush area. It was here, in a horrifying act of violence, that the perpetrators executed their gruesome task, severing both of the victim's hands before discarding him and fleeing with the severed limbs.

Despite the severe mutilation and the risk of bleeding to death, the victim's life was saved thanks to the timely intervention of security officers who provided emergency assistance. The man was swiftly taken to hospital, where he remains, grappling with the physical and emotional repercussions of the attack.

In the wake of the incident, the local authorities have escalated their efforts to apprehend the culprits. A case of attempted murder has been registered, and a manhunt is in full swing. Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, the Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service (SAPS) in Mpumalanga, has emphasized the commitment of the police to track down and prosecute those behind the attack, which she has condemned in the strongest possible terms.

The police have also used this incident to warn the public against the very real danger posed by such callous individuals. With the suspects still at large, the SAPS is appealing to anyone with information that could lead to their arrest to come forward. This brutal event has not only left a man with life-altering injuries but also raised broader concerns about public safety and the presence of violence in local communities.

The SAPS urges the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity while reiterating their resolve to maintain law and order and prevent such atrocities from occurring in the future. The full force of the law awaits those who engage in such "evil" acts, and the SAPS is determined to ensure that justice is served.

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