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Tragic End for Two Young Boys Found in a Steel Trunk in Eastern Cape

Published March 23, 2024
4 months ago

The small, close-knit community of Gebane in Libode has been left in shock following the tragic deaths of two young boys, five-year-old Konke Nobhokisi and six-year-old Inikile Mbuyazwe, who were found lifeless inside a steel trunk on Thursday afternoon.

The Eastern Cape children were last seen in the care of Konke's 20-year-old sister. Upon the mother's return to the household at approximately 16:00, a worrying silence greeted her—a stark contrast to the lively ambiance that children usually bestow upon a home. Her frantic search, permeated by a sense of growing dread, ended in a horrifying discovery at 17:00 when the two boys were found unresponsive within the confines of a steel trunk, raising alarming questions about the circumstances leading up to this outcome.

Spokesperson Colonel Priscilla Naidu has detailed that while the investigation continues to unfold, authorities are considering the possibility that the children's curiosity led them inside the trunk, only for the lid to close unexpectedly, leading to the tragic event. A meticulous approach is being taken to determine the exact sequence of events, with an inquest docket now opened to guide these efforts.

OR Tambo District Commissioner, Major General Phumzile Cetyana, has publicly expressed his profound grief over the loss of Konke and Inikile. The Commissioner's poignant message to the community emphasized the inherent explorative and innocent nature of children, highlighting the urgent need for adults to put protective measures in place.

Reminding the public of the responsibility that comes with the stewardship of young lives, Major General Cetyana has appealed to all caregivers to reassess the security of their living spaces and enhance the safety protocols within their households, particularly during playtime—a period fraught with potential dangers if not carefully supervised.

This somber incident acts as a stark reminder of how quickly tragedy can strike and stresses the importance of constant vigilance when it comes to child safety.

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