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Former North West Development Corporation CFO Faces Fraud Charges and Immigration Violations

Published March 21, 2024
4 months ago

Pretoria – Ex-Chief Financial Officer of the North West Development Corporation, Kudakwashe Mpofu, stood before the Pretoria magistrate’s court this Wednesday, grappling with a serious indictment on charges of fraud and breaching the Immigration Act. Mpofu, a 32-year-old Zimbabwean national, was implicated for utilizing a counterfeit permit to extend his stay within South African borders.

The investigation, meticulously spearheaded by the police, culminated with Mpofu surrendering himself on Wednesday, leading to his formal detention. As proceedings unfolded, National Prosecuting Authority spokeswoman Lumka Mahanjana conveyed that the court session was adjourned to March 26, where Mpofu's legal representation will gather bail-related information and potentially submit a bail application. Mahanjana stressed that Mpofu is to be held in custody until the next court appearance, intimating that the NPA is firm on resisting his release on bail while hinting at the likelihood of mounting charges.

The saga surrounding Mpofu's legal status ensnared the public spotlight when Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi alerted the media that as early as June 23, 2023, Mpofu was notified about the illegitimacy of his supposed permanent residence documentation. Motsoaledi was unequivocal, stating the document in Mpofu’s possession was a fabrication, untraceable in the department's systems, and plainly asserted that the pertinent control number was legitimately designated to another individual. The intricacies regarding how Mpofu acquired such a control number remain shrouded in mystery.

In a turn of events preceding the court hearing, Mpofu tendered his resignation on Monday, a move that some speculate as an attempt to forestall further scrutiny or repercussions from his then-employer. This followed a report by the Sunday World on March 10th detailing Mpofu's vigorous efforts to evade deportation by the home affairs department. Moreover, Mpofu lamented the department’s lack of response to his legal overtures.

The case has demanded the attention of public officials and citizens alike, igniting discussions about immigration policy enforcement and the integrity of governmental systems. It underscores the significance of stringent checks and balances within the functioning of public and private entities.

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