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High Profile Modack Murder Trial: Witness Details Emerge

Published March 19, 2024
4 months ago

In a significant development, the Cape High Court witnessed the commencement of a high-profile murder case involving alleged underworld figure Nafiz Modack and fourteen others. The case, which includes the 2020 assassination of celebrated police detective Charl Kinnear alongside 123 additional charges, saw the first witness take the stand under the pseudonym "Mr A" to preserve his safety.

With a history tethered to criminality and gang involvement, Mr A offered the court an insider's perspective on the tumultuous realm of gang activities and the intricate criminal networks operating within. He traced his own descent into a life of crime to his early years in Woodstock, while accompanying his mother who served as a domestic worker—moments that pivoted him towards petty crimes and, subsequently, more serious offences including robbery.

Following his stint in prison, Mr A recounted how his path converged with co-accused Fagmeed Kelly, and eventually, contacts such as Riyaat Gesant and Toufeek Brown surfaced. The latter figures, he revealed, were parts of the Terrible West Siders gang, known for their activities across Woodstock, Eerste River, and Heideveld. Mr A's tattoo signified his allegiance to this gang—a symbol of his belonging and a permanent mark acknowledged in court.

His criminal record, marked by multiple arrests, was seemingly interrupted by an attempt to lead a legitimate life through ceiling installation. However, the lure of quick money saw him steering his own drug operation by 2019. A testament to the volatility of his trade was an incident of nearby gunfire, which led to a hasty disposal of drugs and subsequent debt.

His web of connections within the underworld was laid bare as he narrated his financial dealings with Brown. A grim chapter in Mr A's story was revealed when he admitted his role in the murder of pensioner Nicholaas Heerschap, which resulted in a 20-year prison sentence following a plea bargain.

The charges faced by the motley crew of Modack's associates, comprising his brother Yaseen, a former rugby player, a former police officer, and other alleged gang affiliates, paint a picture of an extensive criminal "enterprise." Accusations of murder, attempted murder, intimidation, and kidnapping are just the tip of the iceberg in this expansive list of offenses.

The trial is poised to continue, with the prosecution and defense bracing for an exhaustive legal battle. As the court delves deeper into the tangled web of gang affiliations and illicit operations, the Modack case promises to offer a deep dive into the underbelly of Cape Town's criminal networks.

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