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EFF's Julius Malema Criticizes Thabo Mbeki's Return to ANC Campaigning

Published March 17, 2024
4 months ago

Julius Malema, the outspoken leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), has lambasted former President Thabo Mbeki for his seemingly inconsistent decision to campaign for the African National Congress (ANC). Malema accuses the media of partiality in its portrayal of politicians, highlighting what he perceives as an undue leniency towards Mbeki, in contrast to the critical stance often taken against the EFF and its leadership.

The crux of the issue lies in Mbeki's volte-face concerning his participation in the ANC's electoral campaign. After a period of distance and critique towards the party he once led, Mbeki has declared it his duty to support the ANC's cause leading up to the general elections. This announcement comes after Mbeki had previously hinted at a potential withdrawal from active campaigning, citing unresolved issues and a lack of genuine renewal within the party.

Malema's retort not only questions the reasons behind Mbeki's renewed involvement but also challenges the former President's national standing by suggesting that he is overstepping his role as an elder statesman. Suggesting that Mbeki should instead focus on other pursuits—such as offering his expertise on a global scale—Malema asserts that the EFF is ready to face him in the political arena.

The irony of the situation has not escaped Malema, who also refers to Mbeki's tacit support for the Congress of the People (Cope), a splinter group that broke away from the ANC during his tenure. Moreover, he draws a parallel between Mbeki's actions and those of Jacob Zuma, another former president who has thrown his weight behind a different party while still claiming allegiance to the ANC.

As the battle lines are drawn, Malema confidently prepares for the upcoming electoral contest, with the EFF optimizing its special operations centre to engage and mobilize voters. With each party defining its stance and old powerhouses entering the fray, South Africa's political landscape is set for what promises to be a compelling electoral showdown.

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