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Courageous Durban Woman Recovers Her Stolen Handbag

Published September 30, 2023
10 months ago

In a moment of audacious heroism, Sandy-Lee Ward, a resident of Bluff in Durban, refused to become another statistic in South Africa's struggle against crime. The incident occurred at a local mall where Ward was waiting for a boom gate to open when two individuals approached her vehicle.

CCTV footage reveals the two assailants wrenching open her car door in an attempt to dislodge her from the vehicle. Despite facing gruelling hits to her face and body, Ward managed to resist their violent efforts. While struggling to remove her safety belt, the assailants pilfered Ward's handbag and ripped a necklace from her neck before attempting to flee the scene.

Valuing her personal belongings, which included vital items, such as her house keys and important documents, Ward resolved to retrieve her possessions. Guided by adrenaline, she slew through the boom gate, chasing down one of the culprits. "I just prayed, 'Lord, lord, those are my things.", Ward told Newswatch, emphasizing the importance of her possessions.

Though it wasn't her initial intention, Ward ended up hitting the thief due to her high speed. Standing by her actions, she stated that she was merely acting in self-defence. "They couldn't take my life. That is my life that I fought for," she defiantly said.

Her courageous actions have led to the arrest of one suspect while the police continue investigations under charges of common robbery. Ward managed to recover her bag, thankfully avoiding becoming another victim in South Africa's ongoing crime battle.

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