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Celebrating Arbor Month: 3000 Trees Distributed by Cape Town’s Recreation and Parks Department

Published September 25, 2023
1 years ago

Arbor Month, a celebration held annually, focuses on the remembrance and appreciation of trees and their vital role in ecosystems. Cape Town’s Recreation and Parks Department, to honour this campaign, has so far orchestrated a series of tree-planting activities and green initiatives purposed at enriching the city’s urban environment. Astonishingly, about 3,000 trees have been distributed and planted within local communities since the year's inception.

The City’s mayoral committee member for community services and health, Councillor Patricia Van der Ross, discussed the impact of the campaign, stating “Arbor month is a timely occasion to contemplate the significance of trees in our society. The theme of this year, “Forests and Health”, underscores the essential link between forests and human well-being.” She further emphasized the provision of clean air by trees and their aesthetic contribution to our surroundings, cultivating a sense of tranquility and closeness to nature. While Arbor Month holds a special place, Councillor Van der Ross stresses it is merely a representation of the continuous effort to establish trees year-round, as observable in the thousands of trees already distributed this year.

Highlight of the year is the City’s Arbor City Partnership Award bequeathed to the “TreeKeepers”, a division of the National Department of Fisheries, Forestry, and Environment (DFFE), to commend their relentless commitment to tree care and education.

Furthermore, the City Council authenticated the Urban Forest Policy this year. This policy cements the city's commitment to preserving and enhancing urban forests, detailing strategies for tree planting, conservation, and maintenance throughout Cape Town. Counsellor Van der Ross concluded, urging residents to contribute towards a greener and more sustainable Cape Town by planting a tree and learning about local flora in the spirit of National Arbor Month.

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