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Canada's Foreign Policy and Alleged Spy Influence Revealed

Published September 26, 2023
10 months ago

In recent times, there have been indications that a small faction of Canadian intelligence officers has been influencing the foreign policies of Canada. Interestingly, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, officially known as the chief diplomat of the nation, along with his Foreign Minister Melanie Joly, seem to be yielding their policy-making powers to unidentified members of the national security services.

Editorial writers and columnists, rather than raising concerns over these developments, have been applauding the manipulative conduct of unidentified bureaucrats. These so-called 'spooks' are reportedly the ones leaking 'intelligence' that alleges Chinese interference in Canada's domestic affairs, steering the nation's foreign policy and media narratives.

Prime Minister Trudeau and his close allies appeared to recognize the harmful precedent such behavior could set. An attempt to curb the situation saw Trudeau appoint a special rapporteur to investigate the brewing allegations. However, his moves seem ineffective leading to an eventual capitulation to the establishment of a public inquiry – a core demand of the allegedly rogue spies.

The influence of these spies doesn't appear to end there. Canada’s spies have reportedly started focusing on India. The Globe and Mail, a national newspaper in Canada, was tipped off by "sources" about an alleged Indian assassination plot against a Canadian Sikh separatist, Hardeep Singh Nijjar. The newspaper revealed being approached by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), requesting a delay in the story's publication, but the Globe declined to postpone for more than a couple of days.

This was followed by a public statement from Trudeau disclosing a “potential link” between Indian agents and Nijjar's death in British Columbia, a move perceived as a pre-emptive response before the Globe could leak it.

These actions suggest that Canadian intelligence officers are operating a form of parallel government, potentially strong-arming the prime minister to act according to their whims. This development remains a troubling factor, considering the crucial advisory role of security services in a constitutional democracy.

Advocates for these rogue elements portray them as whistleblowers. However, critics argue that such activities border on a violation of the custom, whereby spy agencies ought not to overstep their constitutional roles.

It is therefore critical that Prime Minister Trudeau reestablishes his control over these alleged freelance spies and reassures Canadians about the true role of their intelligence agencies.

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