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Legal Battle Looms as SA Home Affairs Accused of Blocking Residents' IDs

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

In the face of a burgeoning legal battle, South Africa's Department of Home Affairs stands accused of obstructing a vital aspect of life for many residents: issuing identity documents. Parents around the country are up in arms over their IDs being "blocked", resulting in major concerns for their children's welfare.

Central to this crisis is the fact that these children's births remain either unregistered or are recorded exceedingly late. Such administrative hurdles impede these parents from accessing child support, as well as other crucial grants, leaving these families in a precarious financial state. Furthermore, without any proof of identities, these children often face exclusion or discrimination at educational institutions, creating barriers to their access to quality education.

Healthcare, a fundamental human right, has also become an uphill struggle for these 'invisible children'. Immunisation programmes and healthcare services, while essential, are often inaccessible due to the absence of identity documentation. This lack of IDs effectively makes them "invisible" to the state, limiting their access to essential services.

This alarming issue points to failures not only in administration but in upholding human rights. The impending legal battle against the Department of Home Affairs underscores the seriousness of this issue and calls for swift resolution, better transparency and a commitment from the government to prioritise basic services for every citizen, especially the nation's children.

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