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NASA Appoints a Research Director to Lead UFO Investigations

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

Mark McInerney, formerly a liaison to the Department of Defense, has been named as the director to lead NASA's investigations into unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The appointment is part of the space agency's broader initiative to understand unexplained aerial phenomena through a systematic, evidence-based approach.

Initially, NASA had hesitated to reveal McInerney's identity, citing concerns over potential threats and harassment experienced by some panel members involved in UAP studies. However, NASA later emphasized its commitment toward transparency and disclosed his identity.

McInerney will supervise the development and execution of in-depth studies into enigmatic observations of sky events, commonly termed as UFOs. His responsibilities follows the recent release of an independent study team's report advising NASA to adopt a systematic reporting framework that leverages advanced technology, including artificial intelligence and machine learning.

In clarifying McInerney's role, NASA pointed out his previous experience as a NASA liaison to the Department of Defense. This position granted him the opportunity to deal with UAP instances in a restrained capacity.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson announced McInerney's appointment during a press briefing and emphasized the necessity of shifting UFO research from sensationalism to science - an indication of the organization's intent to debunk myths and build understanding based on empirical evidence.

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