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The Guptas, Salim Essa and Allegations of State Capture: A R250mn ‘Kickback Laundry’ Unveiled

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

Recent reports provide substantial proof suggesting that the Guptas and their close associate, Salim Essa, have been heavily involved in an alleged 'kickback laundry' operation that implicates contracts at various state-owned companies. The revelations come at a time when the Guptas have consistently denied taking unfair advantage of their relationships with key political figures such as the disgraced former President, Jacob Zuma.

Reports show that within six months, in the latter part of 2014 and early 2015, an estimated R190 million was allegedly laundered from Homix (Pty) Ltd to another obscure company. Additionally, an official report indicated that Homix moved several payments, totalling R65 million to Hong Kong, which sparked suspicion of money laundering after the payments did not match the claimed imports.

Accused of leveraging political connections to extract kickbacks, the Guptas' Oakbay group has been at the center of controversy, linked to state-owned company transactions. This scandal paints a clearer picture of how the enriched Guptas may have amassed their wealth.

As evidence continues to emerge, Gupta and Essa's involvement in alleged illegal transactions is raising multiple questions. It is claimed that certain individuals associated with the Guptas or Essa, some holding senior positions in state-owned companies, played a role in the supposed corruption.

Companies that paid the majority of the revealed money to Homix during the six months of examined bank records, namely Cutting Edge Commerce, Sechaba Computer Services, Regiments Capital, Burlington Strategy Advisors, and Neotel, allegedly had two common threads – links to Transnet money and some connection to "Gupta" or "Essa".

Now, under the spotlight and scrutinised for alleged malfeasance, it is important that all parties involved provide clarity, cooperate fully with investigations, and bring an end to the cloud of controversy that has engulfed South Africa's public sector for too long.

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