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"Cadre Deployment Threat to National Treasury's Integrity, Warns Finance Minister Godongwana"

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

The integrity of the National Treasury, the agency managing South Africa's public finances, could be fatally compromised by cadre deployment, a practice endorsed by the African National Congress (ANC), warned South Africa’s Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana.

Godongwana, who concurrently serves on the ANC's highest decision-making body, the National Executive Committee (NEC), expressed these concerns in light of potential interactions between party politics and financial oversight bodies. His comments highlighted his view that the ANC's cadre deployment practice could "kill the institution [National Treasury]".

Cadre deployment refers to a contentious method that involves positioning party loyalists to significant roles in state organizations. Critics argue this practice undermines merit-based recruiting and entrenches systemic corruption.

The role of the National Treasury is instrumental in managing public funds and maintaining financial discipline across government departments. Any adverse influence, such as political interference, may jeopardize its effective functioning.

Essentially, Godongwana’s concerns suggest that political infiltration could erode the Treasury's autonomy and unbiased role in managing the state's financial resources. He stresses the importance of retaining the Treasury's independence from political influence to ensure the credibility and stability of South Africa's financial institutions.

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