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In a move that could redefine the face of urban South Africa, Deputy President Paul Mashatile has announced a forthcoming government initiative focused on enhancing the cleanliness and overall sustainability of cities across the nation. This initiative not only aims to improve the quality of life for South Africans but is also part of a broader strategy to attract investors by presenting cleaner, safer cities.
Mashatile, who serves as the Leader of Government Business in Parliament, made the announcement during his keynote address at the first Three-Sphere Planning session of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) of the seventh Parliament held in Cape Town. In his discourse, Mashatile stressed the link between well-maintained cities and economic development, proposing a competitive model to encourage municipalities to prioritize sanitation and safety.
Partnerships will be a cornerstone of the initiative, with Mashatile highlighting that the upcoming clean city campaign will involve collaboration between the government, the private sector, and local communities. The Deputy President underscored his Office's commitment to work alongside the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) and the South African Local Government Association (Salga) to establish a committee charged with the annual evaluation of urban sanitation. This committee is tasked with presenting awards to cities that excel in maintaining high standards of cleanliness.
In addition to the focus on urban cleanliness, Mashatile addressed the need to modernize state institutions. He emphasized the importance of adopting digital innovations across governmental departments, acknowledging the global shift towards digitization and the imperative for South Africa to keep pace with these developments.
The commitment to accelerate policy execution was evident as the Deputy President laid out plans to realign the Presidency as the nexus of government activity. This restructuring aims to enhance coordination between key departments such as CoGTA and the National Treasury, ensuring that planning and budgeting are integrally connected pursuant to the District Development Model (DDM). The DDM advocates for unified planning and vision to facilitate improved service delivery and the achievement of shared objectives.
The theme of the NCOP session - ‘Establishing an Oversight Agenda for the Seventh Parliament: Defining Key Oversight Priorities for the NCOP in the Seventh Parliament’ - resonated with the government's strategic innovation, advocating for joint planning and inter-departmental cooperation in program execution. As part of their constitutional mandate, the session focused on solidifying the NCOP’s ability to observe and enforce a comprehensive planning framework, thereby enabling cooperative governance.
These measures are all part of the government's dedication to realizing the National Development Plan Vision 2030, which envisions transformative priorities that include building a capable and ethical state.