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The Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation has exercised its oversight role by asserting pressure on the Department of Water and Sanitation to improve surveillance measures for all the dams in South Africa, with a special focus on safeguarding those that are privately owned. The call for bolstered monitoring arose in light of the recent failure of retention walls at Riverlands Dam, an event underscoring the critical need for stringent safety protocols.
During interactions on the 1st of November, 2022, the committee pronounced its unease regarding the capability gaps within the Dam Safety and Management Division—a shortfall that undermines the department’s mandate to enforce the provisions of Chapter 12 of the National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998). Sections 117 through 123 of the Act deal specifically with ensuring the safety and integrity of the country's dam structures.
The committee extrapolated that this deficiency not only compromises the functional integrity of the division but also amplifies risks for populations residing downstream of these water-holding structures. The implications of the division's incapacity to carry out its duties, according to the committee, could lead to catastrophic outcomes if not urgently addressed.
In a further note of urgency, the committee brought to light the significant backlog of dam safety evaluation (DSE) reports numbering to 474. These reports are imperative to ascertain the current status of dams in question and formulate mechanisms to enhance the safety of communities situated in potential risk zones. The committee’s spokesperson revealed the intention to summon the department to provide a status update regarding the progress made in eliminating the pile-up of pending dam evaluations.
The scrutiny of the Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation echoes the heightened attention being directed towards the country's infrastructure, specifically focusing on hazard prevention and the mitigation of risk to human life and property. In issuing its call to action, the committee has underscored the vital importance of proactive engagement and persistent vigilance in overseeing dam safety, a move closely observed by all stakeholders, notably communities who depend on the welfare of these dams for their livelihood and safety.