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Leaked Files Illuminate Russia's Tactical Nuclear Posture Against China

Published February 29, 2024
5 months ago

The recent disclosure of Russian military documents, clandestinely obtained and dating from 2008 to 2014, reveals a disquieting willingness of Russia to deploy tactical nuclear forces early in conflict situations, especially those concerning China. This information comes as a stark contradiction to Russia's publicly held positions on nuclear deterrence, underscoring the persistent atmosphere of mistrust even amidst burgeoning alliances.

The cache, consisting of 29 covert files involving war-gaming scenarios and naval officer training presentations, details Russia's principle operations for nuclear engagement, elucidating criteria for nuclear retaliation that range from foreign incursions to the targeted destruction of Russian strategic assets. These criteria appear alarmingly lower than any preceding official admission, shedding light on a nuclear doctrine deeply imprinted with an "escalate to de-escalate" philosophy.

Despite the age of these documents, their continued relevance to Russian military instruction stresses the unchanged pivotal role of nuclear weaponry in Russia's defence policy. Furthermore, these files, now made public through Western channels, present an intriguing perspective on how Russia potentially envisages employing its nuclear arsenal as a preemptive measure.

This revelation comes against the backdrop of a growing partnership between Russia and China which saw substantial advances particularly since Xi Jinping's ascendancy in 2012. Yet, notwithstanding official declarations including a nuclear no-first-strike treaty as early as 2001, the presence of deep-seated suspicions remains palpable. Indeed, the Russian military's preparedness exercises depict several instances of a Chinese invasion as part of their war-game training scenarios.

The instructions delineate the circumstances under which a tactical nuclear strike might be authorized, and while the Kremlin remains silent on this revelation, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has dismissed any insinuation of distrust within the Sino-Russian dynamic. Experts, however, vouch for the authenticity and ongoing applicability of these documents, which seem to reconcile with Russian President Vladimir Putin's past pronouncements concerning nuclear deterrence.

These leaked materials not only expose Russia's predilection for nuclear options in theoretical engagements but also potentially alter the strategic calculus for regional and global security architectures. The prospect of Russia's low threshold for tactical nuclear usage has profound implications, extending far beyond theoretical exercises, as it may influence geopolitical behavior and international policy responses.

While the papers pertain chiefly to military strategies and training, the grave implications they carry are of a political nature. This discovery reaffirms the persistent need for vigilance, dialogue, and strategic foresight among the international community regarding nuclear proliferation and the doctrines governing their use. The pivotal concern remains the ambiguity and unpredictability of nuclear strategies and the consequent risks they pose to global security.

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