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National Treasury Exempts Eskom and Transnet From New Cost-Cutting Rules

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

Transnet, the state-owned logistics company, and Eskom, the power utility company, have been uniquely exempted from the National Treasury's newly revised cost-containment measures. These measures, which are designed to decrease expenditure in various national departments and provinces, encompass hiring reductions, capital spending cuts, and limitations on travel, conferences, and catering.

While these guidelines don't impose mandatory restrictions on 'Schedule Two' public bodies such as Eskom and Transnet, they are nevertheless being advised to consider and implement analogous measures. This was communicated by the National Treasury in a public note released on Monday.

"Although the guidelines do not apply to schedule two public entities, these entities are strongly encouraged by the executive and accounting authorities to take these guidelines into serious consideration and implement similar actions", the National Treasury stated.

It is evident that, while Eskom and Transnet have been technically excused from adhering to these cost-containment measures, the National Treasury's advice advocates for responsible and equitable measures to be implemented.

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