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Renewable Energy Expansion Unhindered by Localisation, Says SAWIND CEO

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

Amid concerns around its potential impact on renewable energy projects, localisation demands were dismissed by Niveshen Govender, CEO of the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWIND), as a stumbling block. As per Govender, the comprehensive renewable energy masterplan, finalised and agreed upon in collaboration with the South African government, is sufficiently robust to see deployment of renewable energy, particularly wind power, expedited - rather than hindered - by 'localisation' or the emphasis on local supply chain and manufacturing.

Niveshen Govender, at the helm of one of the leading authorities in the sphere of South African renewable energy, offers an insider's perspective on the dynamic between nationwide concerns such as localisation, and the ambitious drive for green energy growth. Govender insists that, in the context of this masterplan, localisation will not slow down the urgent pursuit of flooding the national grid with renewable megawatts.

Setting national trends and policy directions for renewable energy, this master plan positions renewable power, specifically wind energy, at the heart of South Africa's energy security strategy. As a collaborative effort, it harnesses the shared visions of government bodies and industry leaders to support a sustainable green transition in South Africa.

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