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Global Co-operation & Best Practices Key to Securing Our Water Future, says Fahad Abu-Mouti

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

World's powerful economies, recently gathered in New Delhi, India, reaffirmed their shared dedication to enhance global collaboration and share best practices on water. This recognition emerged from an acute acknowledgment of the importance of addressing one of our age's pressing needs - conserving, protecting, and utilizing water sustainably while restoring affected ecosystems.

The 2023 G20 leaders highlighted the pivotal role that water plays in our shared pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future - a vision Saudi Arabia has been championing ever since its presidency of the G20 in 2020. An instance of this is the recent announcement of the Global Water Organisation by the kingdom.

In 2020, Saudi Arabia gave the vital topic of water central place during its presidency, acknowledging that water is intrinsic to life itself and linked fundamentally to all development initiatives. The first water-related dialogue under its leadership led to water being a focal topic in the G20 agenda.

Today, the Global Water Organisation is geared towards making water issues a priority on the international front. Worldwide, it is becoming increasingly apparent that we need urgent action to address water scarcity, a relentless threat already impacting several communities with insufficient access to clean water. This has resulted in compromised health and sanitation standards and economic instability.

The G20's commitment to a sustainable future reflects an ambitious direction. The initiatives initiated at the UN 2023 Water Conference, coupled with the G20 Dialogue on Water, exemplify our collective determination to protect our water resources.

The Global Water Organisation is prepared to fuel more efforts towards this cause, fostering collaboration, acknowledging the diverse water resource challenges across regions, and prioritizing custom solutions based on each nation's unique needs. The ultimate goal is to ensure that every country moves towards sustainable global water resources, leaving no one behind.

The time to secure our water future is now, and the 2023 G20 leaders’ declaration puts us on a course of global co-operation and shared responsibility. In protecting our water, we safeguard our planet for the generations to come.

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