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National Treasury's Warning: South Africa can't Spend its Way to Prosperity

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

As South Africa struggles to get its economy back on track, the National Treasury's strict warning has come into sharp focus. Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has cautioned the nation that government spending must be sharply curtailed or the country will plunge into dire economic consequences. The warning is emphasized in the wake of South Africa's unanticipated wage increase that forced the Treasury to meaningfully adjust its initial budget forecasts.

According to the Minister, government spending cuts are critical for the country's mid-term budget, quashing the notion that prosperity can be achieved through increased government spending alone. This follows the recent wage agreement that saw government employees get a 7.5% increase, necessitating a R37.4 billion adjustment in the government’s initial budget – a development that seems disconnected from the harsh reality of South Africa's economic condition.

This budget gap has been exacerbated by significantly optimistic expectations of economic growth and revenue collection. Present economic challenges, such as a failing energy market and a labor environment not conducive to hiring, hinder the country’s progress towards prosperity. Despite a hefty government wage bill, evidence suggests that the public is paying more for less public service personnel.

Godongwana insists that the idea of ramping up debt to meet the budget shortfall is a non-starter, given the nation’s pre-existing high debt servicing obligations burdening future generations. Options now lie in reining in government spending, reducing taxes for individuals and deregulation.

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