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Deputy Health Minister Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo lauded for life-saving intervention on a local flight

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

Heroism has no time off, as the Deputy Health Minister, Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, proved on a local flight from King Shaka International Airport in Durban to Cape Town on Monday morning. As a medical practitioner, his intervention was crucial when a fellow passenger fell ill, potentially saving her life and preventing an anticipated emergency landing.

The Department of Health detailed the incident, revealing how Dr Dhlomo was alerted to the female passenger's distress. Swiftly utilizing his medical background, he succeeded in stabilizing the patient for the remainder of the journey. Department Spokesperson, Foster Mohale, noted receipt of numerous messages echoing the relief and admiration of passengers who were on the plane.

Dhlomo’s competence ensured the flight continued safely to its intended destination, where the patient was transferred into the care of a paramedic team at Cape Town International Airport.

Mr Mohale offered insight into Dr. Dhlomo's dedicated acknowledgement to his profession, further praising his commitment to accelerating healthcare service by routinely visiting health facilities and forensic pathology services across the nation.

This exceptional incident was acknowledged with gratitude expressed by Dr Dhlomo to his co-passengers and the flight attendants, whose emergency medical supplies substantially backed his intervention.

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