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"Unveiling Corruption Fears: Winnie Mandela’s Last Wish Uncovered"

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

Winnie Mandela, the late wife of South Africa’s initial democratic president, Nelson Mandela, harboured significant concerns over pervasive corruption within the African National Congress (ANC). To aid in her push against this corruption, she sought the assistance of a former Apartheid-era Crime Intelligence (CI) officer, Doc Pretorius.

In the years that followed, their professional relationship blossomed into a close personal connection. Such was their friendship that Winnie Mandela referred to Pretorius as "the son I never had" within the inscription of her book ‘491 Days’.

Pretorius, now the author of ‘Winnie Mandela’s Last Wish’, paints a concerning picture of corrosive corruption held in check by securitisation structures. He speaks of an "unholy trinity" between transnational organised crime, criminal terrorist groups, and corruption, forming an alarming panorama of the issues plaguing South Africa today.

Through his extensive network within criminal underworld circles, Pretorius provides insight into the intricate system of protection afforded to those entrenched within these corrupt practices. He emphasizes the urgency for individuals loyal to the country to step forward and instigate change. The spectre of exposure looms for those that remain part of the corruption network.

Pretorius discloses that Winnie Mandela had considered distancing herself from the ANC due to palpable corruption, before ultimately deciding against it. He also shares intimate memories of their journey together.

Despite unsettling revelations, Pretorius remains hopeful. As a crime-risk mitigation expert, he truly believes that these problems can be mitigated. His message to those engaged in nefarious activities is a dire warning: the time for change is now, as the walls of secrecy are crumbling, and exposure is imminent.

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