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Disciplinary Hearing Set for Tembisa Hospital's CEO and CFO amid Tender Corruption Scandal

Published September 21, 2023
11 months ago

Dr. Ashley Mthunzi, the CEO of Tembisa Hospital, along with the chief financial officer, Lerato Madyo, are scheduled to attend a disciplinary hearing on October 9, the Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko, has confirmed. This comes following an extensive corruption scandal involving irregular payments made by the hospital to various companies.

The forthcoming hearing comes after an expose by the late whistle-blower Babita Deokaran, which led to her tragic demise in a murder incident two years ago, prompting a wave of calls for justice.

An investigative report released by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) last December raised serious concerns pertaining to potential corruption within the hospital management. Six officials were subsequently suspended as the investigation into the fraudulent procurement activities proceeded.

According to Nkomo-Ralehoko, the blacklisting of 224 suspect companies implicated in the irregular and illegal payments can only be enforced upon completion of the ongoing investigation. Certain companies among the implicated apparently secured hospital contracts as recent as last year – a situation the Democratic Alliance (DA) maintains was long overdue for redress.

Echoing sentiments of concern regarding the slow pace of progress, DA Shadow Health MEC Jack Bloom underscored the urgent need for the disciplinary cases to be concluded. He stated, “Their positions are currently filled with acting people who lack authority to fix the deep rot that hinders decent care to hospital patients."

Further delays are fuelling suspicions of alleged political protectionism in favor of companies linked to President Cyril Ramaphosa's first-marriage nephew Hangwani Morgan Maumela.

With accusations and suspicions mounting, the disciplinary hearing on October 9 promises to provide intrinsic insights into this complex saga, and hopefully, bring closure to this major corruption scandal.

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